Kalamalka Reflections
Material: Canadian jade (sculpture and base)
Dimensions: 72" x 53" x 15" (sculpture) Commissioned for the City of Vernon by Okanagan-Thompson International Sculpture
Symposium 2002 Site: Vernon Community Services Building, Vernon, B.C.
Please visit the
Gallery to see Deborah's works

Deborah's interest
in sculpture was kindled by her secondary
school art teacher, and later encouraged by several mentors
during her four years at the Vancouver School of Art. |
graduating in 1973, she and a dozen other art students tried
their hand at carving jade in one of the first studios of this
kind in Vancouver. Some extraordinary pieces were produced at
New World Jade over the next two years. Since
the mid seventies, a number of these pioneers have established
their own studios and have honed their skills as jade sculptors.
work was shown with wide acclaim across Canada and the US. This
was indeed an art-form the public had never seen before.


Lotus Unfolding 2020, a monumental Jade Sculpture. Site: Victoria BC.

1993, Deborah began offering her
(as advertised in The Lapidary Journal)
Since then, participants from Australia to Nebraska have enjoyed
their six days of jade immersion, and part with a good foundation
with which to embark on their own ventures.
Deborah's intensive workshops are designed
to cover all aspects of hardstone sculpture.
Laura Dutheil (left) takes in the mid morning critique.
Follow Deborah Wilson's Jade Carving Workshops on Facebook
Jade carving instructional DVD This DVD tutorial will serve both as an introduction to the art of jade carving and as a source of information for the working jade artist.
All rights reserved Deborah Wilson ©1997-